04 January 2010


twenty.ten reflections:
i began this century as a highschool senior.
left my bestest friends to go to school.
knocked out 3 years at byu.
made more best friends.
went on a mission.
found myself and Christ.
made more forever friends.
came home with a testimony and a small dog.
found the love of my life.
got another dog.
married my man.
had 12 bridesmaids because i love all my collective friends and sisters.
went back to school...finally.
got another dog.
twenty.ten = college senior, returned missionary, wife, mother to 3 doggie.children,
and one of the happiest girls i know.
i have a big bright future!

1 comment:

Ashley Schott said...

Isn't it wonderful to have complete happiness and know that you have so much to be thankful for? God has really blessed you with a beautiful life!